Further Customization of Dot Engines: AutoCoverage

Bart Schraa, MSc. Siemens Canada Limited, Oakville, ON, Canada|2016-04-19

In 2009 Dot engines introduced a very powerful customization tool: AutoCoverage. AutoCoverage ensures the anatomy under examination is covered consistently throughout the entire examination. Moreover, the adjustments to the coverage will be done in a standardized way independent of the choices and/or skills of the operator.
Tailoring the coverage of the patient’s anatomy can be done via the AutoCoverage parameter card. This card can be found in many of the Dot AddIns. The availability of Dot AddIns depends on the Dot engines purchased. This article uses the Generic Views Dot AddIn that is included in the Brain Dot Engine and is part of the standard system configuration for virtually all our MR systems on the D and E software levels.