MAGNETOM MaterialMR images of fruits, sea creatures, flowers and Tim sports images

Heike Weh of Siemens Healthineers made 12 artistic images of fruits.
Download the images for your PowerPoint presentations or use the high-resolution files to print your T-Shirt.

Heike Weh of Siemens MR made 12 artistic images of fish and sea creatures using a 3T MAGNETOM Prisma system. Heike used a T1-weighted TIRM sequence and a T2-weighted 3D SPACE sequence. High resolution images (matrix 512 x 512, slice thickness 1 mm or isotropic for 3D) have been acquired using the 64-channel Head/Neck coil. Acquisition times are between 6 to 9 minutes. Postprocessing was done using single slices, thin MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection) or VRT (Volume Rendering Technique).
Download the images for your PowerPoint presentations or use the high-resolution files to print your T-Shirt.

Heike Weh of Siemens MR made 12 artistic images of flowers on a 3T MAGNETOM Skyra using a T1-weighted TIRM sequence.

The flowers had Gd for one day to enhance the fine details. High resolution images (512 x 512) have been acquired using the 32-channel head coil. Postprocessing was done using thin MIP (maximum intensity projection) or VRT (volume rendering technique) for the coloured images.

Download the images for your PowerPoint presentations or use the high-resolution files to print your T-Shirt.

Around the world, Tim (Total imaging matrix) technology has become a standard in MRI. With thousands of installations, this is proven every day. Download the sprinter, the cyclist or the gymnast for your PowerPoint presentations or use the images to print your T-Shirt.