How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation


1) Calculation of color maps (e.g. wash in/ wash out)

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

a) Open the browser.
Select dynamic mamma series.
Go to Applications->Soft tissue (MR).

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

b) Series are automatically loaded into evaluation.
Select the desired result table (wash in always with highest value activated).

Additional info:
Often-used color tables for wash in and wash out are GreenRed/RedGreen and Perfusion/Inverse Perfusion

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

c) Start evaluation

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

d) Maps are being post processed

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

e) Result tables are automatically saved in the browser and loaded into viewing

2) Implementation of color maps (e.g. WI/WO) into mean curve evaluation

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

f) Open the browser
Select dynamic mamma series
Go to Applications->mean curve and load the data set into the upper left segment

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

g) Select the subtractions from the browser and load it into the lower left segment.
Select from the browser the desired color table and load it into the lower right segment.
Draw RoI in the subtraction.
(At this point color info from e.g. WI map is often very helpful, as subtracted images are only displayed black and white)

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

h) Apply RoI to the upper left segment, containing the dynamic mamma series.

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

i) Perform table/curve evaluation using pre contrast as a reference series.

How to calculate color map offline and implement it into mamma mean curve evaluation

j) Result can be stored


A color map is, additional to subtraction, a visual help for placing the RoI. Benefit is, to better distinguish the tissue differences of lesions by using color in comparison to just black and white as we had it until now with subtracted images.
The flexibility to window the maps to different colors does not affect the result of the curves and tables. It is just an extra visualization tool. Evaluation of curve is always performed on the original series in the upper left segment.