Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance – an Effective Approach in Cardiology also Suitable for Very Sick Patients

Jeanette Schulz-Menger, M.D. et al.
University Medicine Berlin, Charité Campus Buch, ECRC
HELIOS Clinics Berlin Buch, Department for Cardiology and Nephrology
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance - Schulz-Menger

This article illustrates the need for fast and efficient scanning by some case-examples.
At the Charité and HELIOS Clinics the referring doctors don’t pay particular attention to arrhythmias or other limiting factors like patient’s conditions e.g. the capability to hold their breath or deafness. All patients are being scanned and in nearly all of them a diagnosis and therapeutic guidance could be provided. But that means that techniques like real-time cine or motion-corrected perfusion are crucial. The latter is already a routine tool leading to free-breathing stress perfusion in all patients. That is convenient for patients and also for medical staff, as the sequence can be started immediately when reaching the adenosine effect and furthermore, the slice position is much more predictable.

The left ventricular function was normal (2- and 4-chamber view cine).