Case Series: Presurgical Planning with fMRI/DTI

Jay J. Pillai, M.D.; Domenico Zacà, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Functional MR imaging (fMRI) and evaluation of fiber tracts (DTI) are not commonly used techniques in clinical routine. However, these methods have already shown their clinical value especially for planning of brain interventions. The potential of fMRI and DTI to improve patient care is essential for everyone interested in state-of-the art brain imaging.
In this clinical case series, Jay J. Pillai M.D. and Domenico Zacà Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA) demonstrate how fMRI and DTI can influence the surgical decision making process providing information that would not have been available using only MR anatomical images.

Clinical Talk on "Imaging brain tumors"

Clinical Talk on "Effective utilisation of fMRI in routine clinical practice"