Abbreviated Turbo Spin Echo T2- and FLAIR-weighted Sequences to Complement Multiplanar HASTE Images in “Quick MRI” Pediatric Brain Imaging at 3 Tesla: A child-tailored approach

Andrea Righini, M.D.; Filippo Arrigoni, M.D.; Giana Izzo, M.D.; Cecilia Parazzini, M.D.; Chiara Doneda, M.D.; Giovanni Palumbo, M.D. (Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology Department, Children’s Hospital V. Buzzi, Milan, Italy)

The “Quick MRI” approach is rapidly gaining popularity in pediatric neuro imaging to reduce the need for sedation in several conditions including hydrocephalus monitoring, ventricular shunting follow-up, intracranial cysts, minor to moderate head trauma, headaches, and prior to spinal tap procedures.
HASTE T2-weighted sequences are currently the mainstay of “Quick MRI” neuro imaging protocols. To explore the full potential of new-generation 3T MR scanners we introduced an abbreviated version of the conventional TSE 2D T2 and FLAIR weighted sequence in uncooperative children and all patients under 6 years of age1. These sequences are meant to be added to the usual HASTE T2-weighted based “Quick-MRI” protocol.
We are using a 3T MAGNETOM Vida (XQ gradients and syngo MR XA31 software version) and a 20-channel head/neck receiver coil.

Andrea Righini Portrait

Andrea Righini, M.D.
Director of Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology
Children’s Hospital V. Buzzi
Via Castelvetro 32
20154 Milan